
October marks the one year anniversary of this blog! It started off with rocky beginnings and an even worse Advent. I’m surprised it’s lasted this long! Or perhaps I’m more surprised that you’ve lasted this long – that you’ve kept reading despite my subjecting you to random thoughts and Hindi mistakes. I’ve let you in on the secret of how weird Americans are and the moments when I’ve started to feel like I belong here.

We’ve marveled in God’s love together and been left trembling by our King on the cross.  I’ve confessed my moments of negative stereotyping to you and told you why I think God whispers more than we portray.

In short, I’ve subjected you to a wide range of ramblings and you’ve stuck it out with me!

There are some new things coming for the next year of this blog (notice anything new right now?), but there’ll be more on that later. For now, I just want to say thanks so much for reading and for being a part of the conversation.